Investment Loan

DLC Investor LLC investment Loans provides both short and long term unsecured investor loans in the following areas:

Real Estate
Oil and Gas
Auto Mobile
Merchandising, etc.

DLC Investor LLC investment Loans is the fastest growing investor's loan haven in the middle east . It aims to give firms,government, companies, and investors the necessary finance/loans they so desire to do business anywhere in the globe in the most cost and time effective way.

DLC Investor LLC investment Loans has set uncompromisingly high standards in creating a loan/financing framework built on the best practices of lending jurisdictions in United States of America, Europe, North America and the Far East.

Our guiding principles have been: integrity, transparency and efficiency. After reviewing the laws and regulations of the world's major financial centers, only the best rules have been considered and enhanced to produce a clear and flexible regulatory framework. They are written in English and benefit from extensive consultations with, and submissions from, leading financial institutions and their professional advisers. They are easy to apply, but extremely difficult to abuse.

With valuable experience spanning over the years, we seek to expand our business by incorporating businesses(small- or medium-scale) under the DLC Investor LLC as a basis for advancing our loan facilities to them. Our investor loans range from $100,000.00- $100,000,000,000.00 (100 thousand USD-100 billion USD)

Given our large number of recently closed transactions and our increasing investor financing, DLC Investor LLC is increasingly being referred to as one of the largest and most dynamic alternative investor loan haven.