Our Approach
The DLC Investor LLC's Social Responsibility Program invests charitably in meaningful, measurable, and transparent initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of communities where DLC Investor LLC conducts business or where DLC Investor LLC through its portfolio companies can have a unique impact on a community’s quality of life. These initiatives are focused initially on education, healthcare, water and the environment.
DLC Investor LLC believes that a company which acts as a good corporate citizen will attract and retain the best employees, investors, professional service firms, and partners. As such, our Social Responsibility Program adopts a holistic approach, including community engagement, corporate philanthropy, personal philanthropy (including employees’ contributions of time and talent), good corporate governance, environmental/social risk management, internal ethics guidelines, and the fostering of a favorable climate for employee development.
What differentiates our Social Responsibility Program is an ability to leverage technical know-how within the firm and across DLC Investor LLC’s portfolio of investments, tackling social problems “at cost” or below whenever possible. Where appropriate, DLC Investor LLC works directly or indirectly with government authorities or non-governmental organizations to facilitate or expedite our mutual interests.